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Beck Kennel prides ourselves in raising happy, healthy Goldendoodle puppies to be an amazing addition to your family. An important part of your puppies health is feeding their parents quality food and treats. We enjoy making our treats with quality ingredients and our fur family loves eating them even more :) Below are a few of their favorites we would like to share. If you have a healthy doggie treat recipe please feel free to share by email.

Flea Prevention Treats


    •    1 & 1/8*cups organic coconut oil melted

    •    1/2 cup Brewers Yeast slightly rounded

    •    2 small paw print silicone pans

1.    Combine melted coconut oil and brewers yeast together in your blender. Blend for roughly 10 seconds until smooth. 


2.    Transfer blended mixture into a plastic condiment bottle (trim tip to 1/4 inch opening) and use to fill 2 -  small paw print silicone pans.













3.    Chill in the refrigerator or freezer until set & solid.

4.    Remove from the pan and store in refrigerator or freezer for up to 6 months. 

Recipe Notes

*1/8 cup = 2 tablespoons

Give up to 1 small paw print Flea Prevention Dog Treat per 10 pounds of body weight daily.

For dogs under 10 pounds, give 1 treat every other day.



The coconut, also known as the “tree of life”, has been found to have many benefits not only for humans, but for our best friends as well. Many diseases and ailments, like yeast infections, smelly coats, cuts that have been infected, and even cracked paws, can all be cured with just a jar of coconut oil. When all forms of diet remedies have failed, then it is time to try out this miracle natural medicine for your dog. Lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid, can help prevent bacterial and viral infections. This is most commonly found in a mother’s milk and builds the immune system. Fortunately, dogs can benefit from the same kind of protection and health advantages it gives throughout their lives..


In addition to preventing flea infestations, there are many other benefits of coconut oil for dogs. coconut oil can potentially reduce cancer risks. It also improves the digestion of your dog and becomes medicine for most digestive upsets. The thyroid function is also kept normal with coconut oil. It can give your dog a smooth glossy coat, as well as healthy, supple skin. Yeast and fungal infections are also treated and prevented through the use of coconut oil. Arthritis and similar pains can also be minimized or treated. Coconut oil can also balance your dog’s metabolism rate to keep his weight under control. Another area in which amazing results have been attained is in prevention of parasitic infestations, and apparently curing the problem in many instances. As described in an article on the website:

Coconut oil may provide an effective defense against many troublesome parasites including giardia. Like bacteria and fungi, giardia can’t stand up against MCFA found in coconut oil. Research has confirmed the effectiveness of MCFA in destroying giardia and possibly other protozoa.5,6,7 By using coconut oil and other coconut products every day, you may be able to destroy giardia before it can establish a toehold.

Coconut oil can be given internally or applied externally, and can provide remedies for many skin infections. It can disinfect cuts and improve your dog’s general skin and coat condition, making it healthier. Wounds also heal faster with coconut oil, and it helps to deodorize your dog’s skin and clear up some rashes as well.  Many vets and researchers today are recommending the regular use of coconut oil for dogs and many other pets as an excellent source of nutrients, which keeps your dog in good health.

The recommended dose is roughly 1 teaspoon of coconut oil daily per 10 pounds of body weight.



Brewers Yeast – Not to be confused with any other type of yeast, Brewers Yeast, is an inactive yeast that is a popular dietary supplement. Brewers Yeast has several uses for dogs. It is a source of B vitamins such as biotin, trace minerals such as zinc, proteins and amino acids. The amino acids and vitamins can help make a dog’s skin healthier and its coat shinier. Brewers Yeast is often recommended by holistic vets to help strengthen dogs’ immune systems.


According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care, Brewers Yeast was shown to protect chickens from salmonella-tainted feed. Brewers Yeast is also a common natural remedy for dogs with fleas.. It is believed to work against fleas because it contains sulfur compounds that make your dog less palatable to them. It’s recommended to give ½ teaspoon Brewer’s yeast daily per 10 pounds of body weight. I also use Brewers Yeast in my Frosty Pumpkin Dog Treats.

Frosty Pumkin Treats


  • 1cup Plain Kefir or Yogurt, preferably homemade

  • 16 ounces organic pumpkin puree

  • 1/3 cup Brewers Yeast

  • 1/2 cup Salmon Oil

  1. Use a blender to combine ingredients, blend until completely smooth.

  2. Fill silicone molds, as desired. 

  3. Freeze 3 hours or until solid. 

  4. Transfer frosty pumpkin dog treats into to a container or plastic zip top bag and store in the freezer, serve frozen.

Benifits of Frosty Pumkin Dog Treats:

  • Kefir – Just as probiotic bacterias are beneficial for human health, they are also beneficial for our pets health too!  – I always prefer to obtain health boosting substances from their naturally occurring, real food sources, like using inexpensive, homemade kefir instead of a store bought probiotic supplement powder or pill. See recipe for homemade Kefir below.

  • Pumpkin – Dogs LOVE pumpkin and it’s super good for their health. Pumpkin is a great source of fiber and with 90% water content is very hydrating, which is helpful for a dog’s digestive health particularly constipation and/or diarrhea.  Pumpkin is rich in the anti-oxidant beta-carotene, by just looking at its vibrant color. Pumpkin may also improve skin conditions and produce a shinier coat. Researchers are also studying whether the amino acid, cucurbitin, found in pumpkin and pumpkin seeds may be a natural dewormer for tapeworm and other intestinal parasites.

  • Brewers Yeast – Not to be confused with any other type of yeast, Brewers Yeast, is an inactive yeast that is a popular dietary supplement. It is rich in antioxidants and pet owners supplying their pet with a daily brewers yeast tablet report their dog’s coat is shinier. Another benefit includes healthier skin. There’s less itchy, dry skin in dogs taking daily brewers yeast supplements. With a healthy coat, a dog is less likely to shed large amounts of fur. While it is natural to shed hair, poor nutrition causes a dog to shed more frequently. In addition, poor nutrition causes fur to look dull and lack any hint of shine. 

  • Salmon/Fish Oil: Fish oil is probably the most important supplement you can add to your dog’s diet, regardless of what type of diet you feed. EPA and DHA, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, provide widespread benefits, but they are fragile and unlikely to survive storage in bags of kibble, or may be rancid even before being added to pet foods.

    Proven benefits from EPA and DHA include:

  • Improving the coat and skin.

  • Reducing inflammation due to conditions such as arthritis, allergies, and inflammatory bowel disease

  • Regulating the immune system, boosting those that are suppressed and calming overactive immune systems for dogs with allergies or autoimmune diseases.

  • Aiding in mental development of fetuses and puppies, and improving cognitive function in older dogs

  • Lowering blood pressure and triglycerides

  • Providing support for dogs with kidney disease, heart disease, and cancer. – Promoting weight loss in overweight dogs.

CAUTION: Fish oil should be protected from light, heat, and air. Store liquid fish oil in opaque/dark colored bottles in the refrigerator. Purchase amounts that can be used within one or two months to avoid rancidity. If you notice an “off” odor, discard the oil.   



Homemade Kefir


  • 2 tablespoons kefir grains

  • 2 cups whole milk preferably organic.

  1. Add the kefir grains and milk to a glass jar. Stir gently using a wooden spoon.

  2. Cover the jar with cheesecloth secured with a rubber band or string and allow to ferment at room temperature (but out of direct sunlight) for 12 to 48 hours.

  3. You can taste the kefir to see whether it has properly fermented, or watch for the whey (a clear yellowish liquid) to separate at the bottom of the jar. You may have small pockets of whey throughout the kefir.

  4. Pour the kefir through a small fine-mesh strainer into another clean jar, collecting the kefir grains in the strainer for use in another batch.

  5. Chill the kefir, covered, for the best taste results. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Recipe Notes

Use 1 tablespoon of kefir grains for each 1 cup of milk, recipe can be doubled/tripled, etc.


Finished kefir will taste a bit tart and tangy. some may describe it as sour, but it should not taste like spoiled milk. The tartness depends on how long it’s allowed to ferment. Your kefir might even be bubbly or effervescent. Temperature and the amount of time the kefir is left to culture will affect not only the taste, but also the thickness. Kefir will ferment slowly in cooler temperatures and more quickly if your home is warmer. A thicker kefir is achieved by allowing your mixture to culture for longer periods of time.

You can drink kefir plain, although many people sweeten it with a bit of maple syrup or honey or blend it with fresh fruit.



Health Benifits of Kefir:

Kefir is full of healthy bacteria and yeasts that offer crazy-good probiotic power. The particular combination of bacteria in kefir is much more powerful than that found in yogurt. Homemade kefir made with milk kefir grains usually contains around 50 strains of live bacteria and yeast. Compare that with regular store-bought yogurt, which usually contains only about two major strains.

  • Improves digestive health

  • Increases the population of desirable bacteria and eliminates some of the harmful bacteria in the gut

  • Helps with gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and bloating

  • Has been used in the treatment of candidiasis (a fungal infection caused by candida), allergies, metabolic disorders, and many more conditions

  • Contains important minerals (calcium and magnesium) for a healthy nervous system

  • Contains the essential amino acid tryptophan, which has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and can be beneficial for people with sleep disorders, ADHD, or even depression

In addition to all these possible benefits, many individuals who are lactose intolerant can handle kefir because the bacteria pre-digests the lactose (milk sugars) in the milk.




How to Store & Care for Kefir Grains:

Combine kefir grains with fresh milk for a new batch, or store them in the refrigerator covered with a little milk if you’re not ready to make another batch. Refrigerated grains will become semi-dormant, so this is a good option if you’re going away or don’t want to make kefir for a few days. (Keep in mind it will take cold grains longer to ferment, so only refrigerate them if you’re not planning to make a new batch right away.)

When making a new batch of kefir, there is no need to rinse the grains. In fact, when a little bit of the previous kefir is allowed to remain with the grains, it will keep them stron- ger. Rinsing grains is only necessary if they have been dropped or contaminated. (For example, if you accidentally pour in coconut milk instead of cow’s milk, or your strainer goes sideways in the sink.) When you rinse, use only fresh distilled or spring water, never water from the tap because it can contain fluoride, chlorine, or other contaminants.



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